Languages supported by the Wikifier

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The JSI Wikifier currently supports the following languages. The code given in the “Primary code” column is the one under which the language appears in the Wikipedia; any other ISO-639 codes for that language are also accepted by the Wikifier and are listed in the “Aliases” column.

af afr Afrikaans
als gsw, gct, swg, waeAlemannic
am amh Amharic
an arg Aragonese
ar ara Arabic
arz Egyptian Arabic
ast Asturian
az aze Azerbaijani
ba bak Bashkir
bar Bavarian
bat-smg sgs Samogitian
be bel Belarusian
be-x-old be-tarask Belarusian (Taraškievica)
bg bul Bulgarian
bn ben Bengali
bpy Bishnupriya Manipuri
br bre, xbm, obt Breton
bs bos Bosnian
bug Bugainese
ca cat Catalan
ce che Chechen
ceb Cebuano
ckb Sorani
cs ces, cze Czech
cv chv Chuvash
cy wel, cym Welsh
da dan Danish
de deu, ger German
el ell, gre Greek
en eng English
eo epo Esperanto
es spa Spanish
et est Estonian
eu eus, baq Basque
fa fas, per Persian
fi fin Finnish
fo fao Faroese
fr fra, fre French
fy fry West Frisian
ga gle Irish
gd gla Scottish Gaelic
gl glg Galician
gu guj Gujarati
he heb Hebrew
hi hin Hindi
hr hrv Croatian
hsb Upper Sorbian
ht hat Haitian
hu hun Hungarian
hy hye, arm Armenian
ia ina Interlingua
id ind Indonesian
io ido Ido
is isl, ice Icelandic
it ita Italian
ja jpn Japanese
jv jav, jvn, jas, osi, tes, kawJavanese
ka kat, geo Georgian
kk kaz Kazakh
kn kan Kannada
ko kor Korean
ku kur, kmr, sdh Kurdish
ky kir Kirghiz
la lat Latin
lb ltz Luxembourgish
li lim Limburgish
lmo Lombard
lt lit Lithuanian
lv lav Latvian
map-bms Banyumasan
mg mlg, xmv, bhr, buc, msh, bmm, plt,
skg, bzc, tdx, txy, tkg, xmw
min zmi Minangkabau
mk mkd, mac Macedonian
ml mal Malayalam
mn khk, mon, mvf Mongolian
mo Moldovan
mr mar, omr Marathi
mrj Hill Mari
ms msa, may Malay
my bur, mya, int, tvn, tco, rki, rmzBurmese
mzn srz Mazandarani
nah nci Nahuatl
nap Neapolitan
nds Low Saxon
ne nep, npi, dty Nepali
new nwx Newar
nl nld, dut Dutch
nn nno Norwegian (Nynorsk)
no nob, nb Norwegian (Bokmål)
oc oci Occitan
or ori, ory, spv, ort, dsoOriya
os oss Ossetian
pa pan, bhd, bht, kfs, cdh, cdj,
doi, dgo, gbk, kjo, hii, jns,
xnr, kfx, bfz, mjl, pgg, srx
pl pol Polish
pms Piedmontese
pnb lah, jat, hno, phr, skr, hnd, xheWestern Punjabi
pt por Portuguese
qu que, qwe Quechua
ro ron, rum Romanian
ru rus Russian
sa san Sanskrit
sah Sakha
sc srd Sardinian
scn Sicilian
sco Scots
sh scr, scc, hbs Serbo-Croatian
si sin Sinhalese
simple Simple English
sk slk, slo Slovak
sl slv Slovenian
sq sqi, alb Albanian
sr srp Serbian
su sun, bac Sundanese
sv swe Swedish
sw swa, swc, swh, ymk, wmwSwahili
ta tam Tamil
te tel Telugu
tg tgk Tajik
th tha Thai
tl tgl, fil Tagalog
tr tur Turkish
tt tat, sty Tatar
uk ukr Ukrainian
ur urd Urdu
uz uzb, uzn, uzs Uzbek
vec Venetian
vi vie Vietnamese
vo vol Volapük
wa wln Walloon
war Waray-Waray
yi yid, ydd, yih Yiddish
yo yor Yoruba
zh zho, chi Chinese
zh-min-nan nan Min Nan
zh-yue yyef, guzh Cantonese

This list of supported languages consists of all languages for which, as of this writing, a localized Wikipedia with at least 10000 pages is available (see the List of Wikipedias), plus a small number of other languages. Note that the performance of the Wikifier for languages whose Wikipedia is small will be correspondingly worse due to the lower coverage of concepts as well as of inflected forms of words.